Plan Your Visit
We at Living Faith Presbyterian Church are so excited to meet you and share the love of Jesus with you.
Whether you're looking for a church or just curious about Christianity, we hope our website helps you learn more about God and His amazing plan of salvation for us in Jesus Christ.
We welcome you to come worship the Lord with us!
Sunday Service
11:15 AM - Gospel Discipleship Class (Bible Study for Adults and Children)*
12:00 PM - Lunch Fellowship*
1:00 PM - Worship Service (in Main Sanctuary)
* See Upcoming Events for Spring, Summer, and Winter Break dates
Living Faith is conveniently located in the heart of LA, close to college campuses (USC, UCLA, and Occidental), Koreatown, and Downtown LA. Our members come from all over the Greater Los Angeles Area, including Orange County and the Valley.
Our address is 4050 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019 (Google Maps | Apple Maps). We share the large, white building with The Way Church.
Gospel Discipleship Class and Lunch Fellowship take place on the third floor in the Main Hall. (Follow the signs from the main entrance, down the hallway, to the south side of the building).
Sunday Worship Service at 1PM takes place in the Main Sanctuary on the 1st floor. Follow signs for “Living Faith” from the parking lot.
Parking Directions
For 11:15 AM meetings and/or 1:00 PM service:
Please park in the Hair Star parking lot (Google Maps) or the Catch One parking lot (Google Maps).
For 1:00 PM service:
Please park in the The Way Church parking lot on South Norton Avenue, on the east side behind Jay’s Market. (Google Maps)
You can also street park wherever available.
What to Expect
Our Sunday Worship Service consists of a call to worship from the Psalms, congregational prayer, songs of praise, the preaching of the Word, the Lord’s Supper (administered weekly), and a benediction. The entire service typically lasts less than 90 minutes.
Some people wear their “Sunday best” but many also dress casually. The pastors wear suits but don’t let that intimidate you!
Children and Youth Group
Children’s Sunday School (Pre-K through 5th grade) and Youth Group (6th grade through 12th grade) take place each Sunday at 11:15 AM on the 2nd floor of the south side of the building (at the same time as adult Gospel Discipleship Class on the 3rd floor).
At 12:00 PM, the teachers will bring the children to the 3rd floor for Lunch Fellowship. Afterwards, our whole church worships together during 1:00 PM Worship Service.
At Living Faith, we practice covenantal worship and invite children to worship together with their families each Sunday. For a brief explanation, see our Vision, Values, and Beliefs. Our children are valued as God's people and belong to the family of faith. Thus, we encourage parents to train and guide their children into the joy and privilege of worship. We offer the following supports:
For three- to six-year-old children, we have a children's bulletin with simple activity pages tied to the sermon text. For older children, the pastors provide a sermon worksheet to help them follow along with the preaching of the Word.
After the worship service, all children are invited to the west side of the sanctuary to briefly discuss the sermon with a pastor. Parents are welcome to sit with their child and encourage participation.
We also provide an optional nursery for toddlers ages 2 to 5 years old during the sermon. Please ask an usher to direct you to the nursery, where our volunteers will ask you to sign your child in and out.
Babies are welcome in our sanctuary, but we also provide an infant cry room with a live feed of the entire worship service. An usher will be happy to direct you.
Please contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Laura, if you have any questions:
If you’d like to let us know that you are planning to visit us, please fill out this form! Feel free to send questions to